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The Role of Scalar Light in Producing the Miracle of Incorruptibility

> catholic, divine light, st john vianney

The Role of Scalar Light in Producing the Miracle of Incorruptibility


Scalar light is a divine light that originates from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. The Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe serve as the "storehouses" for His perfect and eternal light. Scalar light does not experience entropy, hence, there is neither attenuation nor interference experienced by this perfect and eternal light. Scalar light is the cause of time as this divine light transcends the past, present and future. In a perfect, scalar light environment, only the present time exists. Scalar light also concatenates all prayers, thoughts, emotions and physical objects in the universe thus allowing all action in the universe to be united into a single, holographic point; hence, scalar light transcends space. In essence, scalar light is a perfect and eternal dimension and is accordingly capable of producing an environment that is likewise perfect and eternal. The prime example of a perfect, scalar light environment is heaven. That is, in heaven, there exists only perfect and eternal scalar light which transcends both time and space. The blessed of heaven live in a perfect and eternal state of complete and unmitigated scalar light bliss, thereby they possess the gifts of impassibility, subtlety, agility and clarity. In summation, the blessed in heaven have perfect, resurrected bodies on account of the fact that God makes all things new and perfect by way of the, "divine," light, which is scalar light. The blessed in heaven enjoy the beatific vision and thus possess the Creative Strength of God.

In our world there are examples of the perfect and eternal state of scalar light. There are deceased, holy, Catholic men and women who have been favored with the gift of incorruptibility in which a local, scalar light environment preserves their mortal remains. This local, scalar light environment altogether prevents or attenuates the natural decomposition of a deceased person. There are hundreds of examples of deceased, holy, Catholic men and women throughout the world whose bodies remain totally or partially incorrupt on account of the miracle of incorruptibility. In all cases, scalar light is the animating force that altogether prevents or attenuates the natural decomposition of a deceased person.

God is the Creator of scalar light and He utilizes His non-physical, primal force in order to produce the miracle of incorruptibility. God will sometimes honor a saintly person who practiced a virtuous life by manifesting the gift of incorruptibility after their death. For example, Venerable Mary of Agreda was a virtuous, Spanish nun who died in 1665 and remains incorrupt to the present day. Mary of Agreda was known to have a profound mystical life in which she received many scalar light visions as well as scalar light locutions from God during her lifetime. The mystical visions and locutions that Mary of Agreda experienced were scalar light communications from God. Mary of Agreda also took dictation from the Blessed Virgin Mary and wrote her autobiography known as, THE MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD. The divine light is referred to frequently in THE MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD.

Although cloistered in a convent in Agreda, Spain, it was reported that Mary of Agreda bilocated by way of scalar light to the present-day states of New Mexico and Texas in order to catechize the Jumano Indians of that region. The miracle of bilocation is possible by way of a scalar light attribute as a person can be located in two (2) distinct locations, simultaneously. Below is a photograph of the incorrupt body of Venerable Mary of Agreda reposed in the Church of the Conceptionists Convent in Agreda, Spain. The gift of incorruptibility granted to Mary of Agreda attests to her life of heroic virtue and obedience to the Divine Will.


The Incorrupt Body of Venerable Mary of Agreda Is Maintained by a Local, Scalar Light Environment


Incorrupt Body of Venerable Mary of Agreda Is Maintained by a Local, Scalar Light Environment


Another example of incorruptibility is that of Blessed Imelda Lambertini of Bologna, Italy.  At the age of 9, Blessed Imelda entered the convent in Val di Pietra in order to be trained by the Dominicans.  Her singular desire was to receive the Blessed Sacrament as she would frequently exclaim:  "Tell me, can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die?"  It was the custom of the Church that a person must be at least 12 years of age in order to receive the Blessed Sacrament, thus prohibiting Blessed Imelda from receiving the Holy Eucharist due to her young age.  After the Ascension Day Mass at the Dominican convent, the Blessed Sacrament was seen hovering over the head of Blessed Imelda and eventually landed upon the paten of the priest.  This was construed as a divine sign as to Blessed Imelda's worthiness to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  Blessed Imelda's ardent desire was finally realized on May 12, 1333, when a priest administered the Blessed Sacrament to Blessed Imelda and she promptly fell into an ecstasy and subsequently died.  To this day, the body of Blessed Imelda Lambertini remains incorrupt in the Church of San Sigismondo at Bologna, Italy.  Blessed Imelda Lambertini is known as the Patroness of the First Holy Communicants.  The gift of incorruptibility was granted to Blessed Imelda Lambertini as testimony to her heroic virtue and love for the Blessed Sacrament.  Hence, Blessed Imelda Lambertini rests in a local, scalar light environment whereby her body has not decomposed.


Incorrupt Body of Blessed Imelda Lambertini Maintained by a Local, Scalar Energy Environment and Reposed in the Church of San Sigismondo at Bologna, Italy


Incorrupt Body of Venerable Mary of Agreda Is Maintained by a Local, Scalar Light Environment


St. John Vianney was a saintly, Catholic priest whose incorrupt body is likewise preserved by a local, scalar light environment at the Basilica at Ars, France, where he spent most of his life as a priest. St. John Vianney could read souls and subsequently knew the good and evil deeds of a person. The ability to read souls is another gift of scalar light which embodies all events, including the good and evil actions of a person. In specific, scalar light is the perfect information system whereby all actions of a person are recorded. St. John Vianney was privileged to enjoy the gift of reading souls by communion with the scalar light information system. During his priesthood, St. John Vianney spent many hours in the confessional and utilized the scalar light gift of reading souls in order to provide spiritual direction for those who sought absolution for their sins. Many people would travel long distances to Ars, France in order to have their confession heard by the Cure of Ars and to have their sins forgiven in the confessional by Jesus Christ.

Additionally, St. John Vianney also possessed the gifts of healing and prophecy which are likewise scalar light abilities. In specific, God utilizes scalar light, the Creative Strength, as the animating force in order to heal and foretell the future. St. John Vianney lived an austere life and his simplicity and holiness attracted many people to reform their lives by his example. He died on August 4, 1859 and is known as the Patron Saint for Parish Priests.


The Incorrupt Body of St. John Vianney Lies in Repose in the Basilica of Ars, France, Maintained by a Local, Scalar Light Environment


 The Incorrupt Body of St. John Vianney Lies in Repose in the Basilica of Ars, France, Maintained by a Local, Scalar Light Environment


In summation, God is the First Cause of all causes including the phenomenon of the miracle of incorruptibility. God creates a local, scalar light environment that serves to physically preserve the human body from decomposition. In a perfect scalar light environment there can not be a chemical reaction. Various holy, Catholic men and women are incorrupt on account of the fact that scalar light is capable of preserving their mortal remains as they were pious followers of Jesus Christ. Hence, the miracle of incorruptibility is a function of scalar light, the Creative Strength of God.

My desire is to introduce scalar light to humanity as so many benefits will be derived from this fundamental, divine force. Scalar light is a gift from God that will allow humanity to have dominion over nature. The acceptance and utilization of scalar light technology will immeasurably improve the human condition and favorably change the course of history. Scalar light is one of the greatest gifts from God, The Father.




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