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Cleansing Gingivitis and Gum Disease with Scalar Light
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Scalar light is a fundamental force of divine origin that is transmitted by the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe. The Sun and the stars are scalar light celestial bodies. Scalar light is the Life Force of the universe as all intelligence and action in the universe is initiated and perpetuated by this primal force. Hence, scalar light is capable of infinite intelligence. For example, scalar light is able to assemble and maintain ...
Gingivitis Disassembled Via Scalar Energy
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Gingivitis disassembled via scalar energy – Tom Paladino, scalar energy researcher, demonstrates how scalar energy disassembles gingivitis bacteria to eradicate it from the subject’s body, thus promoting renewed health and vitality. For a Pathogenic Cleanse go to our “Standard Scalar Program“ ...
Pathogenic Cleanse Improves Dental Health
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Scalar light is divine energy distinct from electromagnetic energy; it originates from our Sun and the universe’s stars. Electricity and magnetism are a derivative or subset of scalar light. Hence, the laws that govern scalar light are different from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy. Scalar light instruments have been developed that control and administer scalar light to improve quantum human health. In particular, dental health can be enhanced via scalar ...
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Scalar Energy Vs Parasites - Testimony
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Scalar Light Identifies and Negates the Disease Signature of Rheumatoid Arthritis