What is Scalar Energy and How It Can Help You?
Intimate Conversations Podcast
This conversation was a throwback to the days where I interviewed Nassim Haramein. Tom knew of cherished intimate conversation guests, Kimberly and Foster Gamble of Thrive II which explored free energy. Tom speaks of scalar energy, the fundamental life force found everywhere known as Chi, prana, mana, life force, Pyramid energy, or zero-point energy. All of these are synonymous terms for scalar energy. The results his invention has accomplished with the eradication of viruses is astounding. He supports half a million people a day through his invention helping to balance the brain and the chakras with energy. Open your mind, enjoy this conversation and may you enjoy the healing.
Meet Tom
Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space, and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy, or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy. He theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional, and physical activity in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.
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