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Standard Scalar

Experience the benefits of the Scalar Light Standard Program. Scalar Light is the non-physical, divine Light from the Sun as well as the stars. All action in the universe is initiated and maintained by Scalar Light: the Creative Strength.

Standard Scalar Sessions Incorporating THREE PILLARS of Health

These foundational pillars are included daily our 15-day free trial

Pathogen Cleanse

Scalar Light identifies and negates the molecular intelligence of pathogens embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Scalar Light has the ability to negate the molecular intelligence of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan embedded upon a photograph.

Essential Nutrient Program

Scalar Light assembles and maintains the molecular intelligence of micro-nutrients upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Over 300 micro-nutrients are assembled and maintained on a daily basis.

Chakra Balancing Program

Scalar Light corrects and balances the seven (7) chakras as well as the brain waves embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. The seven (7) chakras as well the the brain waves are composed of Scalar Light and thus respond favorably to Scalar Light sessions.

Scalar Light is divine, non-physical energy that originates from the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars. All Scalar Light sessions administer Scalar Light upon the photographic force fields of people, animals, plants and objects. Scalar Light is known by various names such as, chi, prana, Christ consciousness, the Creative Strength, Om, the Alpha and the Omega or zero-point energy.

All Scalar Light sessions operate within the Scalar Energy dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Operationally, the Scalar Light sessions impart Scalar Light instructions upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects to improve their quantum well-being. A photograph of a person represents their bilocated quantum version allowing a person to be present in two (2) locations simultaneously. Furthermore, a photograph of a person possesses their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical quantum characteristics in real time.

Your e-mailed photograph will allow the Scalar Light sessions to access your force field or quantum signature embedded upon your photograph. Every person possesses a unique force field or quantum signature that can be accessed by a Scalar Light instrument. The Scalar Light instruments utilized by http://www.scalarlight.com are custom-engineered and thus offer a unique quantum healing experience. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science.

Micro-Nutrients Assembled by Scalar Light

Nutrient Program List

Vitamins Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Vitamin A, beta carotene
  2. Vitamin A, retinal
  3. Vitamin A, retinoic acid
  4. Vitamin A, retinol
  5. Vitamin B1, thiamine
  6. Vitamin B2, riboflavin
  7. Vitamin B3, niacin
  8. Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid
  9. Vitamin B6, pyridoxine
  10. Vitamin B7, biotin
  11. Vitamin B8, inositol
  12. Vitamin B9, folate
  13. Vitamin B12, food grade
  14. Vitamin B15, pangamic acid
  15. Vitamin B17, amygdalin-x
  16. Vitamin C, food grade
  17. Vitamin D2, Ergocalciferol
  18. Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol
  19. Vitamin E, tocotrienol
  20. Vitamin K1, phylloquinone
  21. Vitamin K2, menaquinone
  22. Vitamin L, anthranilic acid
  23. Choline

Minerals Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Boron
  2. Calcium
  3. calcium phosphate
  4. Carbon
  5. Chloride
  6. Chromium
  7. Chromium picolinate
  8. Cobalt
  9. Copper
  10. Germanium
  11. Gold
  12. Iodine
  13. Iron
  14. Magnesium
  15. Magnesium chloride
  16. Manganese
  17. Nitrogen
  18. Phosphorous
  19. Potassium
  20. potassium chloride
  21. Selenium
  22. Silica
  23. Silicon
  24. Sodium
  25. Sulfur
  26. Vanadium
  27. Zeolite
  28. Zinc

Essential Amino Acids Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Histidine
  2. Isoleucine
  3. Leucine
  4. Lysine
  5. Methionine
  6. Phenylalanine
  7. selenocysteine
  8. Threonine
  9. Tryptophan
  10. Valine

Non-Essential Amino Acids Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Alanine
  2. Arginine
  3. Asparagine
  4. Aspartic acid
  5. Beta- alanine
  6. Carnitine
  7. Citrulline
  8. Cysteine
  9. Cystine
  10. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
  11. Glutamine
  12. Glutamic acid
  13. Glycine
  14. Hydroxyproline
  15. Ornithine
  16. Proline
  17. Serine
  18. Taurine
  19. Tyrosine

Fatty Acids Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Alpha-linolenic acid
  2. Alpha lipoic acid
  3. Arachidonic acid
  4. Capric acid
  5. Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid
  6. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  7. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  8. Gamma-linolenic acid
  9. lauric acid
  10. Linolenic acid
  11. Myristic acid
  12. Octanoic acid
  13. Oleic acid
  14. Palmitic acid
  15. Palmitoleic acid
  16. Stearic acid

Hormones Assembled By Scalar Energy

  1. Adiponectin
  2. Aldosterone
  3. Amylin
  4. Androstenedione
  5. adrenocorticotropic
  6. betatrophin
  7. Calcitonin
  8. Cholecystokinin
  9. DHEA ( didehydroepiandrosterone )
  10. Enkephalin
  11. Epinephrine
  12. follicle-stimulating hormone
  13. Glucagon
  14. Gonadotropin releasing hormone
  15. Insulin
  16. Insulin-like growth factor 1
  17. Leptin
  18. Luteinizing hormone
  19. Melatonin
  20. Norepinephrine
  21. Oxytocin
  22. Pregnenolone
  23. Proenkephalin
  24. Prolactin
  25. Somatotropin, Growth hormone
  26. Testosterone
  27. Thyroxine
  28. triiodothyronine
  29. Vasopressin

Antioxidants Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Allophycocyanin
  2. alpha ketoglutarate
  3. Alpha mangostin
  4. Apigenin
  5. Apocarotenal
  6. Astaxathin
  7. baicalein
  8. Beta carotene
  9. Beta cryptoxanthin
  10. Canthaxanthin
  11. Catechin
  12. Chlorogenic acid
  13. Chlorophyllin
  14. Chondroitin
  15. chrysin
  16. Cinnamic acid
  17. Curcumin
  18. Daidzein
  19. diosmin
  20. DMAE bitartrate
  21. Epicatechin
  22. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate
  23. Erythorbic acid
  24. Eugenol
  25. Ferulic acid
  26. Fulvic acid
  27. Fumaric acid
  28. galangin
  29. Gallic acid
  30. Genistein
  31. Ginsenoside
  32. Glutathione
  33. Glucosamine
  34. Glucuronic acid
  35. glycitein
  36. Glycolic acid
  37. Grape seed extract
  38. Hesperetin
  39. Hippuric acid
  40. Hyaluronic acid
  41. Inositol
  42. Kojic acid
  43. L- carnosine
  44. Lecithin
  45. Lutein
  46. Luteolin
  47. Lycopene
  48. Malic acid
  49. Mannose
  50. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  51. Naringenin
  52. N-acetyl-l-cysteine
  53. N- acetyl glucosamine
  54. Nobiletin
  55. Oxalic acid
  56. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
  57. Phosphatidylserine
  58. Phycocyanin
  59. Phytosterol
  60. pinocembrin
  61. pterostilbene
  62. Pycnogenol
  63. Quercetin
  64. Quinic acid
  65. Resveratrol
  66. Rutin
  67. Salicylic acid
  68. Spermidine
  69. Squalene
  70. Succinic acid
  71. Superoxide dismutase
  72. Silybin
  73. Tartaric acid
  74. Taxifolin
  75. Zeatin
  76. Zeaxanthin

Phytochemicals Assembled via Scalar Energy

  1. Ajoene
  2. andrographolide
  3. Apocarotenal
  4. berberine
  5. Betanin
  6. Beta sitosterol
  7. Betulin
  8. Betulinic acid
  9. Biochanin A
  10. Butylphthalide
  11. Calcium pectate
  12. Canthaxanthin
  13. Capsaicin
  14. Catechin hydrate
  15. Chicoric acid 1
  16. Coumarin
  17. Coumesterol
  18. Deguelin
  19. Ellagic acid
  20. Fisetin
  21. Floridzin
  22. Genipin
  23. Glucomannan
  24. Heliotropin
  25. Huperzine A
  26. Indole
  27. Isobetanin
  28. Luteolin
  29. Methylsulfonylmethane
  30. Myricetin
  31. Oleanolic acid
  32. Para-coumaric acid
  33. Phenethyl isothiocyanate
  34. Phenylacetic acid
  35. Piperine
  36. Phytosterol
  37. Psoralen
  38. Salicin
  39. Saponin
  40. scopoletin
  41. Silymarin
  42. Stigmasterol
  43. Sulforaphane
  44. Ursolic acid
  45. Pectin (apple)
  46. Proanthocyanidin (cranberry)
  47. Cinnamic acid
  48. D-limonene

Proteins Assembled by Scalar Energy

  1. Actin
  2. Albumin
  3. Collagen
  4. c-peptide
  5. Dystrophin
  6. Elastin
  7. Eumelanin
  8. Ferriten
  9. Fibronectin
  10. Gc protein
  11. Hemoglobin
  12. Integrin
  13. Keratin
  14. Laminin
  15. Melanin
  16. Myogen
  17. Myoglobin
  18. Myosin
  19. Neuromelanin
  20. Pheomelanin
  21. Promyelocytic leukemia protein
  22. Plasma membrane proteins
  23. Protease
  24. Prothrombin
  25. Renin
  26. Spectrin
  27. Telomere-binding protein
  28. thyroglobulin
  29. Y-globulin

Enzymes Assembled by Scalar Energy

  1. Acetylcholinesterase
  2. Alpha glycerophosphate
  3. Amylase
  4. Amyloglucosidase
  5. ATPase
  6. Beta glycerophosphate
  7. Bromelain
  8. Carnitine Acyltransferase
  9. Catalase
  10. Cellulase
  11. chymotrypsin
  12. Co-enzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
  13. Co-enzyme Q 10
  14. cytochrome P450 enzymes
  15. Dopamine beta hydroxylase
  16. Elastase
  17. glucoamylase
  18. hexokinase
  19. invertase
  20. Kinase
  21. lactase
  22. Lipase
  23. Lysozome
  24. Malic
  25. N-Acetylglucosamine Transferase
  26. Nattokinase
  27. Papain
  28. Pepsin
  29. phosphatase kinase
  30. pullulanase
  31. Pyridoxal phosphate
  32. Pyrroloquinoline quinone
  33. pyruvate kinase
  34. renin
  35. Ribonuclease A
  36. Serratiopeptidase
  37. Succinate Dehydrogenase
  38. Tyrosinase
  39. Trypsin


  1. Acetylcholine
  2. Anandamide
  3. Beta- phenylethylamine
  4. Dopamine
  5. Enkephalin
  6. Epinephrine
  7. Hypocretin
  8. MET-Enkephalin
  9. NMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate)
  10. Norepinephrine
  11. octopamine
  12. Serotonin

Miscellaneous Nutrients Assembled by Scalar Energy

  1. Adenine
  2. Adenosine
  3. Adenosine triphosphate
  4. Allantoin
  5. Anthocyanins (various)
  6. Creatine phosphate
  7. choline bitartrate
  8. chondroitin sulfate
  9. Hydrogen (miscellaneous mineral)
  10. Nitric oxide
  11. Orotic acid
  12. Phosphatidylserine
  13. Synovial fluid
  14. Water

1) People experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

2) Restorative sleep without interruption.

3) Improvement in digestion.

4) Clearing of sinuses and congestion.

5) Reduction in inflammation and pain.

6) Improvement in skin tone and complexion.

7) Greater endurance and strength.

8) Many people report a correction of their conscience.

9) Greater mobility and range of motion.

10) Reduction in food intake as a result of a suppression of appetite.

The Scalar Light Standard Program Options

There are a number of purchase options for the Scalar Light Standard Program. There are price savings for extended services as well as group rates.

Single Month: Purchase one (1) month of the Scalar Light Standard Program. This thirty (30) day session allows you to experience the Standard Program for a limited period of time.

Monthly Recurring: Purchase recurring, monthly sessions which allows you to experience the Scalar Light Standard Program as long as you desire. Your payment is automatically debited every month. All recurring sessions require a minimum purchase term of four (4) months. You may discontinue the Scalar Light Standard Program at any time after the minimum four (4) month commitment.

12 Months: The twelve (12) month Scalar Light Standard Program allows you to enjoy continuous Scalar Light sessions without interruption. The twelve (12) month option offers the greatest discount for an individual.

Group Scalar: As many as seven (7) people may register as a group for the Scalar Light Standard Program.

All sales are final. There are no refunds.

Standard Scalar Divine Intelligence
Single Month

per month / per person
  • 1 Person or Pet: £5.83 per day
  • 2 People or Pets: £7.50 per day
  • 3 People or Pets: £10.00 per day
  • 4 People or Pets: £11.67 per day
  • 5 People or Pets: £13.33 per day
  • 6 People or Pets: £15.00 per day
  • 7 People or Pets: £17.50 per day
Standard Scalar Divine Intelligence
Monthly Recurring

per month / per person
  • 1 Person or Pet: £4.90 per day
  • 2 People or Pets: £6.23 per day
  • 3 People or Pets: £8.23 per day
  • 4 People or Pets: £9.57 per day
  • 5 People or Pets: £11.57 per day
  • 6 People or Pets: £12.90 per day
  • 7 People or Pets: £14.90 per day
Standard Scalar Divine Intelligence
12 Months

per year / per person
  • 1 Person or Pet: £2.67 per day
  • 2 People or Pets: £5.47 per day
  • 3 People or Pets: £7.12 per day
  • 4 People or Pets: £8.21 per day
  • 5 People or Pets: £10.05 per day
  • 6 People or Pets: £11.20 per day
  • 7 People or Pets: £12.95 per day

The Scalar Light Standard Program is administered twenty (24) hours a day. The three (3) Standard Sessions are: 1) Pathogen Cleanse, 2) Nutrient Therapy and 3) Chakra Balancing.

Tom Paladino

Researcher, scalarlight.com